Driving revenue for Autocab customers

Judopay is the leading payments solution for Autocab. Our award winning solution allows drivers to quickly and securely accept payments on the go.

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Man driving woman who is paying on her phone.
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Working with Judopay means...

Direct integration into Autocab’s dispatch system

Drive sales with our range of payment tools

Online payment card icon

Reduce the amount of cash you have to carry

Reduce fraud with our prevention and detection tools

Grow your customer base with multiple payment methods

Keep riders happy with quick and easy payments

Apply for a Judopay Account

Partner with payment experts

Judopay have worked in the private hire and taxi industry for many years.

We have key relationships with multiple dispatch systems and have recruited in-house expertise directly from the industry. We understand the pain points and opportunities to give your customers the best experience.

We understand fraud is one of the biggest challenges for the Private Hire industry.

Working with multiple players in the industry, we have deep insight into fraud using secure data from multiple providers.

We have specific fraud rules developed to help minimise fraud and chargebacks. We’ll share these rules with you whenever you need. And, more importantly, we’ll implement these rules for you to make sure the payments your taking are safe and secure.