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Customer authentication

3D Secure payment flows

Provide a great customer experience with improved authorisation rates and minimal fraud.

What is Strong Customer Authentication?

SCA is a legal requirement in the EU, which came into force in the UK and EU from 31 December 2020 and in the UK from 14 March 2022. As consumers continue to buy more goods and services online, there's been a growing need for an additional layer of security that protects both the consumer and merchant from falling victim to fraud. This new regulation ensures that an additional security layer is added to most online payment flows.

What is PSD2?

The Regulation
The Payment Service Directive is a European regulation designed to make online payments more secure, improve customer rights and enable third-party access to account information.

What is SCA?

The Requirement
Strong Customer Authentication is a requirement of PSD2, designed 'to make online payments more secure'. It asks businesses to use 2 authentication elements to verify online payments.

What is 3DS2?

The Solution
3D Secure 2 is an authentication protocol for SCA. It adds an additional layer of security during online transactions to help ensure that the cardholder and the person making the purchase, match.

SCA requires online payments to have an extra layer of security.

1. Customer initiates payment.

The customer starts the transaction on your website or in your app.

2. Authentication check.

If the issuer is satisfied that the cardholder is the person making the purchase they'll authenticate the payment . If not, they'll ask the cardholder for some extra input.

3. Payment completed.

Once the issuer is satisfied, they'll authorise the payment.

3DS2 authentication

An introduction to Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)

An overview on what the regulation is, how it came into force and what merchants need to do or be aware of in the coming months.

Ready to upgrade your payments?

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