Maximise your revenue with Judopay

Fast, seamless and conversion-driving checkouts for your digital menus.

FineDine Mobile checkout
kfc logoConnect Cashless Parking logoRevolution Bar Group logo

Dining solutions with FineDine, payments through Judopay

Integrated directly into the FineDine platform, Judopay gives you easy access to fast, secure and seamless payments.

Working alongside FineDine, we ensure that by offering the right payment methods and innovative payment technology you can improve your customer's experience, reduce checkout time and drive revenue.

Simple set up

Connect a Judopay account directly into your FineDine platform.

Better customer service

Add seamless checkouts to your menus and reduce customer waiting time.

Increased footfall

Offer multiple payment methods to attract more customers and drive sales.

What our customers say

kfc logo

"Payments is a critical part of the customer experience, not just a service. Judopay wow and delight their customers with, for example, quick and easy integration, being transparent about how long integrations take and working in a way that is flexible for KFC.”

Head of Digital Transformation
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"As an app-based company, it’s vital that we’re delivering the best mobile experiences for our customers, something that is complemented by Judopay’s seamless mobile payments suite. We've been particularly impressed by the continuous knowledge and support provided by the team."

Chief Operations Officer
Connect Cashless Parking logo

"When Judopay approached us, it was a breath of fresh air. They wanted to help us achieve our strategic goals and to work alongside us as consultants. They were flexible, strategic and wanted to grow with us, which is exactly how we work with our clients."

Managing Director

Apply for a Judopay account